Tuesday, December 13, 2011

Jewish Government Control

*Note to David, I went out of order a little. For blog topic six, we were supposed to find a visual representation and relate it to course topics. The main focus of my blog post six, is about Frank Meeink and American History X. I would like to use that previously written post to be my 10th post because it focuses exclusively on those two topics, so for my tenth post I will redo post six focusing on a different image/video and tying it to another course reading. I just don't want to be too redundant and repetitive because I feel like that a little already.

One of the main issues that white nationalists have is that there is a Jewish control on everything in America. Abby Ferber talks about the falling white man, and the Jewish control is to blame. As you can see in the photo, there is a Jewish stereotype holding a mirror in front of Uncle Sam, its reflection being the Jewish stereotype.

Paranoia lingers everywhere from the government to media. It seems that every movie that comes out seems to offend white nationalists because of its overall message and portrayal of white nationalists. Through Ferber, other readings in class, and general common knowledge it is obvious there is a lack of trust between white nationalists and Jewish people.

In my opinion, any movie, story, and topic can be made into a race issue if that's what they are looking for. Take something like the Blind Side. It is a great, true story and is enjoyable to some degree of entertainment. Depending on how critically you analyze it, you will take a different message. It being a Disney movie, I don't know if little kids were gathering that the movie could be viewed as racist, as far as a white family saving a black kid, making him acceptable by society's standards.

For white nationalism almost every current movie is a conspiracy against the white people. Whether it be by uncool representation of whites, race mixing, and whites mixing in with different cultures, there is always the element of being made the victim in the current "Jewish run" society and media.

I wanted to find a movie that was anti-Semitic in a way and wanted to gauge how white nationalists felt about movies that were being dubbed as controversial. I settled on the Passion of Christ and looked around the Internet to find white nationalist's feeling on it.

From Stormfront:

The religious theme aside, that movie showed how the Jews deal with their enemies. The Roman governor viewed Jesus as just another religious agitator, of which Judea had plenty, and was of no particular threat to Roman rule. The Jewish leaders wanted him dead because he had attempted to cleanse the temple of its money changers. In fact he had driven them out with a whip. In order to manipulate Pilate the governor, they said they would report to Caesar that Jesus had claimed to be King of the Jews, a treasonable offense. If Pilate then went easy on Jesus he would lose favor with Caesar. It was a classic case of the Jews manipulating the secular authorities to do their dirty work.  
Very little has changed. The Jews learn nothing and forget nothing! That will be their undoing and will lead to their long overdue fate, being cast out of all civilized nations
Another from Stormfront:

Notice how a movie about JEWS killing the most noble being to ever exist is subject to intense scrutiny.....and the Jews say "its far too graphic and violent for people to watch", I never heard a Jew complain about holohoax movies like Shindlers list, even though the gore and violence in this movies far exceeds that of the Passion Of The Christ.

Justification of the movie occurs because Jews are portrayed in a negative light. In this case, they are the victims, making the movie acceptable to some white nationalists. However, if a movie does the same for white nationalists, it's a movie about keeping the white man down. Paranoia itself may be far more oppressive to white nationalists than the "Jewish controlled" America.

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